We value partnership, creative curiosity and integrity

At Mela Studio we transform your ideas into beautiful websites. By asking courageous questions, we’ll unearth the essence of your business, finding what’s uniquely you. Before creating a website that represents you honestly and impactfully.

Meet our founder

Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Angharad.

I launched my own design business back in 2015, but I’ve been working on websites for over 17 years. Before I started partnering with creative independent brands, I spent 10 years working as a producer for BBC online learning. My love of design goes back even further. I was that kid who collected postcards, tickets, and all kinds of curiosities. I was fascinated by fonts. And enamoured with monochrome. 

Today, my love is interpreting people’s ideas and bringing them to life visually. My childhood scrapbooking tendencies still come into play. I get excited about researching, exploring, moodboarding and playing with possibilities. Before bringing everything together into the freshest possible designs for my clients.

What else do I love about Mela? Helping organisations get results. Making something look great is important. Making an impact is essential.

That’s why I find out what makes my clients different, so I can shape my designs around their unique offering. Helping them to boost inquiries, increase sales, encourage interaction – and raise their profile.

Life outside of Mela

I’m partial to a bit of artistic play: drawing, riso printing, mark making – it’s the perfect antidote to all that screen time. 

When I’m not being creative, or running my business, I’m normally running after my five-year-old, hanging out at a festival, on a long dog walk, or adventuring in my campervan. 

Enough about me, let’s talk about you

Book a discovery call today and let’s see how we can boost your online presence together.